Saturday 22 March 2008

The scrubber's wife

The rain today became sleet and the sleet briefly became snow. The sun popped out only occasionally and the clouds slammed into one another like puffed-up jousters. The local fun fair must have taken one hell of a pounding. In between working on what I must be working on right now, I took my frustrations out on the bathroom. I scrubbed and I scrubbed like a person with nothing to do. And yet the scrubbing made a kind of puritanical sense and eventually my feelings, like the bathroom, became clean. I still go back to it. It took me hours. Anyway, I have been thinking about what this may all mean. It could be to do with the artist and her dilemma about showing her work. For almost a year I have defended the artist's right to fail spectacularly at self confidence when it comes to an ability to hunt socially for an exhibition. But now - maybe only today - I am not so sure. It may be about scrubbing too, I am thinking, elbow grease, doing what you don't want to do. I am not talking about the work itself. That is amazing and indisputably diligent. I am talking about physically making contact. After the long weekend we will discuss strategy again. In the meantime, I will continue to admire the bathroom.

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