Sunday, 2 December 2007

A(lphabet)bstract Art(iculation)ist

A is for Artist:
She nears the end of her latest piece
B is for Boy:
Wonders never cease
C is a Girl's Name:
A daughter, grand-daughter, cousin and niece
D for Deploy:
Awaiting release
E is Everlasting:
Large sky, vast heath
F for Family:
A strength defying belief
G is a Girl:
Brushing her teeth
H is for Honey:
Bees Relief
I is for Ego:
Me without grief
J is for She:
And her masterpiece
K is for Kinship:
And is the bees knees
L is for Lovely:
Like meadows, like leas
M is for Money:
Poverty sees
N is for None:
But no self-pities
O is for Oh Please:
Sorry for ditty
P is for Pun:
Though not so witty
Q is Quite Simple:
I know quite bitty
R is for Wry:
From city to city
S is for Silly:
But always quite natty
T is for Try:
Even when batty
U are Still Reading:
Sitting pretty
V is V Good:
Ardour real gritty
W is Why:
Love from the nitty
X and YZ:
Alphabet City

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